Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reflexions about Life and Love

I've always thought that I was a good judge of character but lately I've realised that it's not always the case. Sometimes when you think you know people but they turn out to be absolute strangers. For example, I've spent a year of my life with someone who turns out to be so different than I expected. I guess when people are in love they tend to hide their dark side, and when that dark side is finally revealed it's like a shock and a question: have you always been like this or have you made a special effort to become this way?

Another question that I have in mind, is why we girls tend to fall for guys who treat us like dirt bag? I'm not saying that girls never treat guys like shit, but I think that it's more common to see guys using girls. When you are a girl all the male attention makes you think that you have power. It's probably easier for a girl to end up with someone at the end of the night but does it make us have the power? I think most girls expect more than a one-night stand when most guys only want sex! I'm not condemning one-night stands, but when it becomes recurrent and your whole sexual life is just a series of 'One-night stands' it becomes more problematic than you think. Looking back at all the One nightstands that I had in my life, did they make me happier and prouder about myself? Certainly not! Did I get satisfied? Most of the time not!
I'm not the most romantic, but what about love in all this? Do people get more satisfied by sleeping with random people than with someone that they truly love?

Does it fill your life with happiness to treat people in a way that you never want to be treated? Is it a contest to see who can sleep with the most people in order to then write it down on a black book?